Using the VAG1551, VAG1552 or the VAG-COM diagnostic PC interfaces
and software on older 1989-91 Audi 200's with the
Black, Brown and Blue Diagnostic Connectors.
I have had good success using the new HEX-COM Intelligent Interface
on the 1989-90 Audi 200 and on the 1991 Audi 200TQ 20V with Motronic
Engine Control Unit
I have not "yet" verified correct operation using the
HEX-COM interface on the 1989-91 Audi 100
Please note that the communication between the older ISO-COM and TWIN-COM
Interfaces and the 1989-90 Audi 200TQ and 1989-91 Audi 200T, can be
very slow and may not work correctly. The communication attempt may
time out when interrogating the Engine Control Unit.
The communication ability and success will depend on which interface
you are using.
The ISO-COM and TWIN-COM Interface will usually go through the baud
rates 01-12 to try and communicate with the engine control unit, and
will have to use Baud 13 to communicate. This can take up to ~45 seconds
to complete.
If you are using the VAG1551 or VAG1552, or the VAG-COM PC Interface
and Software with the VAS5051/2 twin lead adapter you will insert the
black connector lead into the black diagnostic connector, and the white
connector lead to the "Brown" diagnostic connector under the
dashboard. The Blue connector isn't used.

If you are using the 2X2 cable shown here,
You will treat the black connector terminals the same, and use the brown
connector exactly as the "White" connector shown below when
connecting to the 1989-91 Audi 200 vehicle diagnostic terminals.
As mentioned above, the VAG COM, ISO-COM, TWIN-COM supplied interfaces
may not communicate correctly with the 1989-91 Audi 200T, or the 1989-90
Audi 200TQ
I recommend using the HEX-COM Interface on these vehicles.

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